

Sewing: Document Organizer

Raw edges - not quite put together all yet, but I love the colors!
Almost done, here's the outside fabric.
And the finished organizer. Sorry, pics are from my iPhone so they're not that great. However, the link to the tutorial I used is right here. I think I might make another one with zippers next week using different fabric. I don't know yet, we shall see how ambitious I get!

Awesome Finds Today

Antique picture frame, large pottery crock with handle and an insulator. All for $20.
Here's the insulator that I got before - clear, but today I found blue, green and different sizes. I don't know yet what I want to do with them, so for now I'm ok with two, but I think eventually what I want to do is get all colored ones and put up a shelf in the kitchen window and put them on it so when the sun shines through then the colors do too. Kinda neat? Right?

And Rusty. I had to share Rusty too! Happy Saturday night!

PS. All of these pics were taken by my iPhone, sorry, I still can't find my nice camera battery charger. Oops.


What Gets Better With Age?

And again, this comes from the Daily Post, however, as you can tell I don't really do daily posts. I try as hard as I possibly can but then I epically fail. Why? Well, maybe it's because I'm a Gemini and I lose interest. Or I don't really finish projects. Meh, who knows?

In any case, the daily post the other day was (Ok, so I pick and choose, who can blame me?):

What gets better with age?

And my answer:
I'm not that old. But leftovers. Like tripleberry tarts, spaghetti sauce and chili. YUM.

But I do like gardening a heck of a lot more. I don't have plant names memorized like my mom does, but dang, I definitely enjoy watching my garden thrive! I know it's going to get better and better!


How Long Can You Go Without A Shower?

Restoration Hardware Showerhead - $575

So thanks to Jennifer over at Bess Wess, she posed an interesting question from The Daily Post. How long do you think you could go without a shower.

Well, remembering back to my trips to Europe, being without electricity for a week and being lazy - I could probably go about a week (7 days) again as long as I had deodorant, baby powder and face wipes. If I did not have those, than 4 days would be it. And I'd have to be next to the ocean or a lake to rinse off.

And the rest of you? How long could you last?

BTW, Jenn - love your trailer!


This Week's To-Do List

1. Make a quesadilla for lunch on Monday.

2.Adopt out the puppy, Abner on Monday (Let me tell you, we have a friend with a similar name and I've forgotten the name "Abner" so I've called this puppy a variety of things - from  "Puppy" to "Um, what's your name, Dog" this past weekend).

3. Clean the floors

4. Vacuum

5. Cook with the following veggies this week: red onions, carrots, pork chops, chicken, red peppers

6. Peruse Pinterest a bit more and see what I can find to inspire me to sew more crafts with all the dang fat quarters that I have.


Uplifting Friday Song

Enjoy! Hopefully your weather is much warmer than mine in Minnesota! Happy Friday!


New To Me Music

Ok, well, it's not really new... Broken Bells has been on my iPod for a long time now but Bimmer Man just discovered it. So, enjoy some Broken Bells. You may also like the song "October" or "The High Road."

Amazon has their music and you can find their album here if you're interested. I just started a Broken Bells Pandora channel so we shall see what other music it throws at me.

Pinterest, Anyone?

So thanks to my fabulous friend, I now have a fabulous Pinterest account. What is it, you might ask? Well, you go to a website, see a pretty picture and want to save it - now what do you do? You want to share it, but well, you're sort of stuck.

You Pin it! Straight to a board and then you can share it. You can create boards of images to inspire you, your wardrobe, decorating, whatever pleases you.

So now go, follow me and see what inspires me! And find images that inspire others!

Restaurant Week In Minneapolis!

I can't wait for a date night! It will be so awesome -

The description is simple:

Mpls.St.Paul Magazine Restaurant Week
Fabulous Food and Exclusive Wine Pairings
Gourmet Prix-Fixe Menus
February 27 - March 4, 2011
Two-Course $10 or $20 Lunches & Three-Course $15 - $30 Dinners

And there's lots and lots of restaurants to choose from all around the city (and even one in Duluth!).

Click here to see the complete list and make your reservations through Open Table. It's easy, simple, pretty cheap and absolutely awesome if you love food and live in or are visiting the Twin Cities.


Pier 1 Score Yesterday

I got a 10 bottle wine rack for $14.99.

Honestly, I just stopped because I had some money in my "fun money" account and sort of wanted to spend a little. Really, I'm saving up for some sort of small buffet for the dining room or some chairs for the living room. Whatever I happen to save up for first. The wine rack will go somewhere in the living room. Not sure yet, maybe on top of the Ikea bookshelf in the back corner. I also saw this for $28:

and a really awesome window picture frame for $40. I can't find it on their website, but I think I'm going to go back and get it after work today.

I have some awesome old black and white photos of my family (think 1800's) that would look really nice in it. I might even get the one above to hang some old postcards in too - and take down the super cheap card holder in the dining room - meh, we shall see how much I want to spend after work!



Anyone want a Spiced Cider scented wallflower from Bath & Body Works? I've got one left from a pack of two and the Fall season is most definitely over. My favorite was the "Winter" scent, so I only used one of these babies. Your house will totally smell like an apple orchard.

Do I have any takers???



Holy buckets!

Weather channel says mostly sunny and 35. Tomorrow - we're supposed to break 40 degrees! This hasn't happened since last year!

On today's agenda:

1. Buying yarn so I can make a zig-zag crochet blanket
2. Possibly making a wreath for Valentine's Day (but frankly, it's been so dang cold that our winter wreath still looks pretty good!)
3. Prying open the outdoor composter and shoving this winter's greens and stuff inside (yeah, I haven't been able to take anything out since the heat of the composter melted snow and then it froze shut, I have to do something about that for next year)
4. Trying not to cough or sneeze on anyone.


5. Maybe downloading the new Decemberists album. We shall see.

I love it when it starts to get warm! It gives me hope that this snow might one day be gone! WOOT!!

Sniffle. Sneeze. Cough. Cough.

Too much snot.

I ended up with a cold after going to a Super Bowl party.

1. I'm not around kids.
2. I'm barely around other adults.
3. Immune system? What the heck is that?

Yep, so now I'm at the point where when I even feel the slightest need to sneeze, there MUST be a tissue in my hands otherwise snot will be all over my left sleeve and my right eye will be watering like someone just hit me in the face.

And the only medicine that seemed to help: Afrin Nasal Spray.


So I'm back to being semi-miserable, congested and sounding like a goose is holding my nose closed.

Oh, well. So is life in Minnesota.

Maybe I should work around more people so I can be exposed to more germs.


Fabric. I'm In Love

Ever since I received a sewing machine, not only am I obsessed with fabric but I've been searching high and low for an owl print.

Where will this owl print go, you might ask? Well. I. Don't. Know.

I just like owls. Can a girl just like something?

Alexander Henry has some absolutely awesome fabric and now I really want to make something but i don't know what to make quite yet.

Throw pillows?
Pillow cases?
Market bags?
Reusable grocery bags?
Dog collars?
Quick little make up bags?
Tea towels?

The possibilities are endless...

And no, I don't make clothes. If I did, they would probably look like a paper bag fell from Cub Foods and tore a few holes on the way down. 

So, my goal for the month of February is to make something. I don't care what. I just need to make something.

West Elm Bedding 20% Off

West Elm - $29 - $169

West Elm Pintuck Duvet - $19- $119

Spring Floral - $16 - $79