


I've never been much of a holiday decorator - Christmas - yes, pumpkins on Halloween - yes, but everything else - meh. Now that the Monkey is old enough to start to understand and know what's going on, I feel like I HAVE to do SOMETHING.

So I made this year's Halloween sort of a joke. 

Bimmer Man is deathly afraid of bats.



In fact, he ran screaming from a bat once. 

Maybe twice.

Ok, at least three times (that I was present for). 

So I bought bats to decorate with. 

Happy Almost Halloween!!!



I have so many peppers that I don't know what to do with them!

Stuffing the poblanos with rice, beans, cheese = yes, for lunch on Monday or Tuesday

The mini peppers = maybe stuffing with garlic cream cheese for a snack or appetizer? 

There are a ton of medium sweet peppers, I'm thinking maybe some sort of sausage, onion, peppers meal. 

I've frozen a ridiculous amount already. This week we received habenero peppers. Yikes. I may have to make a super hot salsa and learn how to can! 

Anyone want to come over to teach me how to can? Beer and food as a bribe???

A Day In The Life... (pictures only)


Summer Is Over


Pretty sure today is the last day the temp will be 80 degrees.

Last day for shorts. 


I love summer and I hate to see it go. 

BUT this also means Pumpkin Pie, baked squash, mashed potatoes, great hearty foods, etc...

BUT I just got a new bike and a trailer to haul the Monkey. Now how am I going to work out??? I guess Jillian Michaels will have to beat the shit out of me this winter. Hopefully my "mom arms" can take her 30 Day Shred.


Peach Crisp

Ha! You can totally tell that I was clipping coupons. Meh..... I'm a coupon clipper.

In any case, peaches are awesome right now - I picked up a bag from Whole Foods and they looked like they would be awesome in a fruit crisp. 

6-8 peaches
2 tbsp of white sugar

1 stick butter
3/4 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup brown sugar
Cinnamon & cloves - just a sprinkling

Preheat oven to 350. 

Peel and slice peaches. Mix with white sugar. Put into a shallow pan (i used a 9 inch pie pan).

Mix the dry topping ingredients. Cut butter into the dry mix. Pour over peaches.

Bake at 350 for 35-45 minutes or until peach juices are bubbling and topping is crunchy. 

Serve with whipped cream or ice cream.

I Hide Books From My Child

I'm not ashamed to admit it. When you start "Knuffle Bunny" for the 40th time in a row you get to a point where it either needs to leave your house (toy swap for a few weeks anyone?) or it needs to be hidden until you vacuum out the couch. 


Alpaca Yarn

I bought some. 

And unfortunately it's light pink.

I wanted cream so I could make myself some boot socks for my Frye boots.

But no. NO. NO.

It wasn't on sale. 

So I'm stuck with pink.

I made The Monkey a larger hat that she can put on her head herself.

And now wtf do I make myself??? Maybe I'll make The Monkey a matching scarf.

A freaking alpaca scarf. 

My child is spoiled. 

I don't have a freaking alpaca scarf.

But I don't want a pink one either. 


Caprese Salad

I don't even know if you need instructions.

Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Salt & Pepper

Layer tomatoes, mozzarella & basil. Sprinkle with oil, vinegar, salt & pepper.

And yes, my 17 month old smashes tomatoes into her mouth, she loves them so much!!! This is a great toddler meal - skip the balsamic or not - easy, fresh, healthy & colorful! 


This makes me sad to see summer passing by.