

Chewie. HE GROWS.

He grows! Way too fast, but I have to admit that having gone through the toddler years once already...I'm ready to move past the toddler stage and into the preschooler stage. Chewie will talk, I will talk, we will have conversations, and all will be more fun!

He just started throwing toys at people. It totally sucks. And he tries so hard to talk so we can understand him, but some words just come out so strange. He says something close to "cargo" for airplane. "Da-eee" is for Daddy. "Da tuck" for any type of truck that's around, including school buses and fire trucks. His personality is a riot - I can tell he likes making people laugh so he definitely does stuff to get smiles (like playing peek-a-boo by covering his ears!). 



Holy Shit. It's October

OMG. So I guess I fucking disappeared over the summer. Well, from May until now.

This past summer went by SO FAST. Preschool ended. Kindergarten began. ECFE started for Chewie. We joined the YMCA. We went to Colorado. My gardens went nuts (and I keep a journal for it, I've discovered that it's easier stapling seed packets to a sketch book than the computer for blogging). We went to the pool, parks, biking, beaches, hiking.

Le sigh. And then now it's raining and fall. Weird. Just weird.

The people who say "The days are slow but the years go by fast" are so right. I feel like I blinked and I need my fleece jacket. I also feel like having a toddler makes everything a little bit harder - he's a climber, a monkey, hangs from places he shouldn't, climbs everything, smashes his face. Oy, we're going to end up in the ER with that one.

The Monkey started Kindergarten. I feel like I don't see her that much anymore! Ugh. But it is so good for her - she's no longer bored and whining, she's learning and loving the social aspect. I'm so proud of her. Along with school comes another set of challenges - our weeknights are filled with crazy chaos of homework (um, maybe 3-5 minutes worth, so not a big deal!), dinner, baths, reading, bedtime routines, cleaning, and of course...DANCE CLASS. I discovered that a little girl in her Kindergarten class is also in her dance class, I think the Monkey is seriously loving that - I think she'll continue with dance for awhile. But some of her classmates play soccer, so that may be on the list to try next year. We shall see! Children are fickle beings.

Blogging has been on my list of things to do but it just hasn't been done, unfortunately. Mer. Plus the Blogger app no longer works for iPhone so I'm still trying to sort out what I can do to be able to update from my phone. It would be so easy to upload photos!

Bye for now.