

Hello, from the other side

One school year is almost done with both kids. I've filled out a school volunteer application to volunteer in the school district. I volunteered to help with the school garden. I have become THAT parent. But you know what, I'm really excited to get to know the kids better because we couldn't volunteer during this ongoing pandemic and I'm hoping that since I'm vaccinated and boosted, I'll be able to volunteer.

I've been getting rid of so much STUFF. Over 1,000 items GONE since January 1. I've been keeping a tally - albeit not the best now because I've just been getting rid of things one at a time and then I forget to tally it off. My goal is 2,022 items for the year. I can feel a difference but I'm not sure if anyone else can. There's several things that I've kept where it's been a "maybe I'll get around to this" but since I've saved them, I haven't gotten around to them and I'd rather volunteer at school, walk the dog, read, and go biking with the kids. I don't need to keep things around that are aspirational that I know I won't get around to. Bimmer Man keeps bikes that he's never going to ride and I can see that they've rusted and are not in great shape anymore - and he doesn't take care of them because he doesn't have time. I don't want to do that with my things anymore. I want to spend time doing what I want to do. And making this house easier to live in. So that's that. Take this as inspiration and get rid of your shit. 

Because I've gotten rid of so much so far - we've had time to do 30 Days of Biking this year and we've completed all 30 days! It was so cold and so gross and so wet and so snowy. We're all ready for warmer weather and a nice, hot summer!