

Hawaii 2009

So for the past 2 weeks we've been on the lush tropical island of Kaua'i. Staying where Jurassic Park was filmed and gorging our faces on fresh fish.

We stayed in Kapaa, where it rained most mornings and cleared up in the afternoon. We went surfing, swimming, ziplining and rented bikes to bike along the coast of Kaua'i. We even drove to Waimea Canyon.

We ate at the Postcards Cafe which was AWESOME.

Lovely blog readers, I've missed you.

And on Thursday I will finally have my own kitchen again. I will find THE BEAST of my Kitchenaid mixer and make you something special.

I will go to the Farmer's Market and find veggies galore.

I will bake bread.

Muffins. Cookies.

Chicken. Fresh fish. STEAK (for Bimmer Man, not me).

I shall experiment in my new kitchen. And try not to blow anything up.

I can't wait to have my own kitchen again. It will be the best thing ever.

Because all I've made since the last time I posted was lemon broccoli and it wasn't very good. Too lemony and not enough garlic. Oops.


Jenn said...

Nice. I wish I was in Hawaii right now.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a fabulous time. Hope all is well with you!

What's Cookin Chicago said...

I love love love Hawaii... I hope to go back soon!