

I've Been Painting

And unfortunately, not cooking very much lately or I've been cooking the same things like eggs, pasta and grilling brats which I don't find blog-worthy because honestly, they're super easy and well, I just wouldn't want to see scrambled eggs on my blog every day.

However, with Bimmer Man going to the racetrack this weekend, I will be making at least one item with mushrooms.

But for now, here's what I've been doing:
The trim is now white instead of the awful, awful old ugly stained oak.

The living room is yellow, which I like much better than the blue (Midwest Spring by Freshaire at Home Depot). The blue looked like Barbie's boyfriend Ken had a bit too much fun on a Friday night and vomited up his favorite color, blue.

So the living room is super messy because I'm trying to paint around everything. Soon I'll have different curtains (I think I may make them myself) and then eventually different furniture.

Happy Friday!

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