

Friday. Friday. Friday. WOOT!!!

Well, life gets in the way of blogging, that's for sure!

And why does life get in the way of blogging? Well, let me tell you...

1. I bought the Wicked Good slipper from L.L. Bean. And they're pretty much permanently stuck to my feet.

2. We've come to realization that the people that upgraded the upstairs used craptastic everything. So I'm painting. And Rusty the MONSTER is helping by painting with his ears.

3. And we need new hardware. The old bathrobe hooks pulled out of the wall so we're going with these Stable Hooks from Restoration Hardware:

4. Oh, wait, I'm not done yet with the craptastic upstairs. One morning Bimmer Man was getting dressed for work. He opened his closet. But it didn't really open. Why? Because the whole knob came out of the closet door in his hand. So we're replacing those too with these Hanson Knobs from Restoration Hardware:
5. We've gotten a gym membership. I've gained weight since our wedding three years ago and I've decided that I don't really want flabby arms. So now I go to Snap Fitness every other day. And run on the treadmill. And sweat my brains out. Exercising is not really fun yet, so I have to look at it as work, at least until I can run long enough to get a runner's high again and then it MIGHT be fun. Again.

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