

Kitchen Organization

Blerg. My kitchen is SOOOOO disorganized.

I've got first world problems. Not enough storage. Not enough drawers. Not enough cupboards. Just not enough of anything to store all my kitchen crap.

I'm showing you pictures of the WORST day.

And I mean the WORST day.

So judge all you want to....

 Notice the crockpot, paint, goldfish, papers, pens, etc...
The dog, goldfish crackers, full cupboards under the counter....
Dinner on the stove, the counter is too tiny for my awesome cutting board...
The markers on the counter... Flour isn't in the right spot...
Cereal and snacks on top of the fridge...
And our recycling problem. Our kitchen is too small for built in recycling bins so it goes in front of our side door. Which we never use anyway because it's just a pain in the ass. No room for shoes!!
Have I mentioned how short I am? I have to stand on my tip toes to get pots and pans back onto the pot rack. I wish it were lower but it looks like the shelf isn't wide enough to lower so I'm just going to have to deal with it.

In any case, these pictures were taken a few weeks ago and we've already made improvements, which I'll have to update you.

Bimmer Man will be putting a shelf above the kitchen sink (I'm going to rip out the blinds because we don't close them anyway, so what's the point of having them if we don't use them???), where I'll have a winter herb garden - basil, sage, I'll try growing oregano and maybe a few others. I'll see how many pots I can fit on an 8 inch wide shelf.

I bought a cart from Ikea - I put that where the garbage can is, moved the garbage over, pulled the organic waste out of the entry and put that next to the garbage can so it's easier to drop organic waste into the bin when I'm cooking. On the cart I pulled out the most used items from under the counter - mixing bowls, lids, etc... and then I also put on it kitchen cloths, dish cloths, garbage bags, organic waste bags, storage bags and then I think I can also fit the aluminum foil on it.

Bimmer Man is also going to run lighting on the inside of the lower cabinets so I can push The Beast (my mixer) back into the cupboard and we don't have to pull everything out to look for just one thing.

In the next few weeks I'm going to go through every single kitchen item and PURGE. I mean really PURGE. Donate what I don't use or I've used only once. My goal is to have an organized kitchen by Spring so when our CSA starts, I'm not wasting food because I'm too lazy to look for a kitchen gadget to cook.

Bye-bye clutter. Hello, happy McTatty!

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