

More Stuff De-Cluttered. Including Cookbooks.

I'm going to be honest.

I don't even remember what is in these boxes. 

I do remember that I had two Book Club Cookbooks (which I never made a recipe from and my current favorite cookbook which has tried and true recipes is my Better Homes & Gardens Bridal Cookbook, weird, but true!). 

Also, another cookbook that went was my King Arthur Flour cookbook. I tried to make an apple crisp and thought this King Arthur book would have a fabulous recipe. Well, no, it did not. Instead I ended up using my Mark Bittman recipe (way better!!! way easier!!!). 

More clothes. Of course more clothes. I swapped out my summer stuff for my fall/winter wardrobe and in the process I ridded myself of clothes that no longer fit, clothes that I hate, clothes that weren't in style, and anything that I didn't feel good in. Which means that I also donated a few sweaters that I just held on to because they were sweaters and I live in Minnesota (and well, who doesn't need 15+ sweaters??). Into the box went 5 sweaters. Phew, I no longer need to dry clean 5 sweaters!

Last week after I did the last load of summer clothes, I also went through all of those and decided to donate 3 more pairs of shorts, 4 T-shirts, a sweatshirt, and a bunch of old college T-shirts.

I'm not really sure why, but I felt really guilty for putting old college T-shirts into the donate box. I mean, I just worked at Indiana University so I don't really have to much affiliation with the school, other than Bimmer Man. With my Golden Gopher stuff, I can't quite bring myself to go through that yet. There's definite shirts that don't fit, sweatshirts that have shrunk, hole-y shirts, shirts that are too small, and who knows what else is in my college T-shirt bin. So I stuck it into the back of the closet and I will re-visit that bin in a few months - if I've forgotten what is in it, then I won't even look at it, I'll just dump the whole thing into a trash bag and bring it to the donation center. That seems quite scary to think about right now, but I'll do it. I'm not ready yet to let go of my items related to my college years yet. 

And lastly, just a box of crap. Coffee mugs, extra pairs of mittens that I don't use (and I'm not sure why I didn't toss two pairs of gloves in there too.. those are for the next box), a hat that I was SURE I was going to wear all summer (which no, I didn't, instead I wore a straw bowler hat and my wayfarer sunglasses a ridiculous amount). I also donated 12 simple cream napkins, I mostly use our 18x18 inch homemade or purchased napkins from World Market anyway, so why keep those cream napkins when I don't use them? We don't even have enough company anymore to use 12 more napkins and I don't want to wash them plus they're not big enough. 

Time to let go. 

Happy Friday!

Is there anything that you're not ready to let go of? An item that is attached to memories? Something that reminds you of the past that you're not ready to part with yet?

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