

Freezer Organizing & Stuff

I admit. I'm horrible at precooking meals and freezing them. I think it's mostly because I don't have my hubby's schedule memorized and so I don't exactly know what's going on when I leave work at 5 pm. So instead of freezing meals, I've decided to freeze ingredients instead. Here's what I'm doing tonight (besides making a CD for someone):

  • Chopping onions, green pepper and zuchinni and freezing them

  • Making apple cinnamin bread

  • Making beer bread with Sam Adams Oktoberfest

  • Cleaning the bathroom floor

  • Making calzones & freezing the uncooked calzones (then bake at 400 degrees for like 15-20 minutes or until golden brown)

  • Making potato soup

I am going to be a cooking and chopping fiend tonight, as I'm working ALL stinkin' weekend long for Homecoming and trying to finish up family pics & wedding pics. Jeez, Louise, what have I got myself into?


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