

No Husband For The Summer

My Bimmer man leaves pretty soon for his internship. Sadly, I'm not only excited for him to get a taste of what his future career will be like, but I'm excited for me to be alone - to cook and bake exactly what I like! I'm a person that needs a fabulous sense of self to be with another person. I need my alone time - 12 weeks is pushing it, but whatever, it's a paid internship!

I've invested in used baking books. I'm not going to be doing Tuesdays with Dorie, I'm too poor to buy ingredients every week. I will however, make a few recipes throughout the summer to bring to work and to enjoy a slice or cookies or whatever at home.

Now, I just need to find a few great springform pans.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Pampered Chef catalogs are coming today or tomorrow... I'll bring them in on Monday & you can get your springform pans there!