

Pasta With Tomatoes & Fresh Basil

One of my favorite summer meals.

This is just a can of diced tomatoes, a small diced onion, a small spoonful of honey, salt, pepper, olive oil and fresh basil for sauce over spaghetti. You can really use any sort of pasta - I plan on making this same sauce with a different pasta tonight.

1 comment:

Danielle Pacha said...

Hi Patty! I saw your blog listed in the Driftess Organics newsletter, and I thought you would be a perfect person to contact about a recipe contest that is currently underway: the Madison Area CSA Coalition is seeking recipes designed by community members like you for their “Farm-Fresh and Fast” cookbook project. We're looking for original recipes that feature fresh, local produce and are ready to serve in under 60 minutes. (i.e., things that would be good for weeknight meals). If we select your submission(s) for publication, you’ll see your name, and your culinary creation, in print!

We've recently extended the deadline to October 31st to encourage submissions that feature fall crops. The link below has all the details of the contest. Please feel free to submit as many recipes as you wish, or forward the contest to anyone else who may be interested in participating.

Danielle Pacha
Madison Area CSA Coalition
Cookbook Project Manager

PS: If you plan to announce the contest on your blog and you'd like access to any of the contest graphics, please let me know and I'll get them to you.