

In The Garden: Tomatoes, Jalepenos & Basil

 I have a crapload of basil this year. I've got a pot for my sister, but I've had to snip off the flowers from it, so I think I'm going to have to start harvesting that basil. In any case, the jalepenos are doing excellent.
 I can count about 15 pieces of fruit right now on the four plants and more keep coming every day. These are definitely something I will do next year.

 Unfortunately the cherry tomatoes aren't doing so hot. I've gotten only 3 tomatoes from the plants in the backyard. The one in the front is doing much better. YES. The one pepper plant out in the front has no fruit on it yet - I'm a bit concerned, oh well. I guess the peppers were more of experiments anyway!
And the basil like last year is growing like mad. This weekend I'll be making at least one batch of pesto (and adding in some store bought spinach) and probably some sort of caprese salad.


Anonymous said...

Looks delish!
I think I might grow fresh basil next spring. mmmmm! You are such a great gardener. Your pops would be proud.
How was your summer?

Artistta said...

Hi, it looks like you have a lovely blog! I am Therese and I write the blog Artistta and am also living in MN. I am looking for other bloggers to share info. about an upcoming film called Farmageddon that is coming to the Twin Cities in October. I am working with a crew of people called Farmesota. You can check out our website ( to see more about the film and where people can buy tickets. Please email me at if you'd be interested in sharing some info. about the film. Sorry to write you here, I didn't see a place to contact you anywhere else. Thank you!

voip services said...

the garden is wonderful and i love it very much .