

So, Ahhh... It's Been Awhile???

Let's just say that, um, life, got in the way? Summer has been a bit busy.

But I've been pinning away on Pinterest, so let me show you what I've been looking at:

I want to put something like this in the kitchen at some point - it's pretty cool! Maybe mounted on a wall though instead of inside of a cabinet door.

Goal: Make this to put all the Christmas cards on in the living room. I may have to find a new cheap-o dresser the next time I go antiquing.

I need to find this. Like immediately. And I need two of them - one for upstairs and one for downstairs.

And at some point I need to stop in at Bauer Brothers Salvage to see if I can find some awesome old windows so I can put up old black and white family photos - I think I'm going to take down the cheap card holder in the dining room and replace it with something like this.

And by the way - Bimmer Man ripped out the closet in the basement this past weekend. YES. Bimmer Man: 1, Old House Basement: 0.


Whosyergurl said...

Welcome back! We've missed you! I love Pinterest, too!
xo, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

I adore that Grocery idea. Oh and I think I will do that with my Christmas Cards.