

Get Rid Of It All

I would like to become a Minimalist.

But unfortunately I don't think that's going to happen. But maybe it will.

Two weekends ago I had a garage sale and it felt so great to get rid of so much stuff. We made enough money for some groceries, a dinner out, etc... even though I priced EVERYTHING to go (think 25 cents on everything but the kitchen sink...).

And then I came back in the house and thought, "Omg, I could have gotten rid of more stuff!!" It's really just finding time to go through closets and storage boxes and determine if I'm going to use things again. Every Christmas I get rid of more and more ornaments and decorations because I HATE taking them all down. So we have the tree with few ornaments, a candle holder, stockings, and a small tree for the dining room table. I don't do anything else.

And I got rid of three clothes racks full of clothes that don't fit, I don't wear, or aren't in style. That felt great.

But I still feel like I can get rid of more.

I will purge again later this year. It feels too great not to do it!

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