

Where Has June Gone???

OMG. Summer... it's totally slipping away... day by day...

I have no idea where the time has gone.

The Monkey has Tumble Tots class (which is in the big kids gymnasium and she gets to walk on the balance beam, fly off the vaults, jump on the HUGE trampolines, swing on the uneven bars... holy buckets, my child really is a monkey!!). We've done play dates every week, we've seen new babies, we clean, go grocery shopping and garden like mad.

I'm thinking the rest of the summer is about to fly right by and we're going to miss something super exciting! But maybe not. Maybe we just need a few lazy days at home.

Last week we went to Colorado to visit Bimmer Man's family and that was so much fun. The Monkey did well on the flight there but the flight home was a disaster. Delayed flight + nap time = a complete and utter disaster (this time we had the SCREAMING child, ouch, sorry fellow passengers!!!).

I learned a lesson with a screaming child - to those that don't have children and you're on an airplane with a screaming child - instead of groaning and moaning and complaining - turn around and ask the parents if there's anything that you can do. While we're frantically trying to calm our child, you might be able to fill up a sippy cup of water from the flight attendant or grab books out of the carry on above us or even make funny faces at the child to distract them and calm them down. For some reason, kids are so distracted by strangers making funny faces. Actually, don't ask, just do. Parents want a peaceful flight just as much as you do - not only does that make traveling with a toddler so much easier for us, but it makes traveling next to a toddler so much easier for you too. Quite frankly, we borrowed a carseat which I think was pretty uncomfortable for The Monkey and that was really the problem (our carseats are incredibly heavy but SO COMFORTABLE). She couldn't get comfy to sleep and would only sleep 40 minutes on a 1 1/2 hour flight.

Lesson learned, lesson learned. It takes a village to raise a child, right???

Anyway, here's some photos from our trip!

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