

Christmas Stockings


Our Christmas stockings were purchased by Bimmer Man's Grandpa - and he died a few years ago - which means that Chewy doesn't have a matching stocking. For the next three days I will be scouring the internets trying to find a matching stocking.

I'm pretty sure they all came from Land's End - they've been personalized though so I'm hoping the store still has the same thread colors and embroidery colors so that his can match the rest of the stockings.

I'm going to decorate on Friday with the "help" of The Monkey so we shall see how she reacts when her beloved Baby Chewy doesn't have a stocking.

But then all the stockings will be out so then I can finally order one for Baby Chewy.

Oy, which brings me to a new problem - we don't actually have a chimney so that means I'm stuck on where to put the stockings. I think I'm just going to find a shelf with hooks and hang it up in the living room to live all year round - I would like to get a stocking post but our house is really too small to store more crap so I think a shelf would be more useful all year long.

Happy decorating!

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