

Weekly Meal Planning

As I get this motherhood to two thing under my belt, I've discovered that if I meal plan (and I mean like seriously meal plan, not just fly under the radar with crap in the cupboards), it makes my life so much easier.

And I just write what we're having on post-it notes and put those up on the outside of the cupboard. Easily changed if necessary AND I can see what we're having for the next meal.

So here's my meal plan for the week:

Monday (yesterday)
Lunch - Turkey quesadillas - leftover Thanksgiving turkey in taco seasoning, cheese, avocado, chips and salsa
Dinner - Chicken nuggets, sweet potato fries, green beans

Lunch - Grilled cheese, tomato soup
Dinner - Veggie soup

Lunch - breakfast - eggs, toast, sausage
Dinner - Pasta with red sauce (meatless)

Lunch - Mac and cheese
Dinner - Veggies burgers, sweet potato fries, frozen veggies

Lunch - ??? - Bruegger's?
Dinner - Papa Murphy's Pizza for Friday Night Movie Night

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