

The End of the Year

I feel as if I'm at a crossroads in my life and I have to decide which way to go - and neither way looks bumpy or harder or easier or more random or whatever, it just seems as if I've hit a fork and I have to decide where to go. It's not like I've hit any random crisis or anything strange is going on in my life, it's just where I've somehow ended up.

The Monkey goes to Kindergarten next Fall, which means it will be just Chewie and me at home (but most likely going to ECFE classes, etc...). This means that I don't have my preschool moms to chit chat with 6 times per week, I don't have my usual in-depth chats about raising a 4 year old with her teachers. We've just hit the point where The Monkey is going to REAL SCHOOL. I want to jump for joy and cry all at the same time. It absolutely wouldn't be fair to her to keep her home for another year - she would be bored and act out a ridiculous amount. I can't do that to her, so I need to send her off to school where she can be social, make new friends, and learn. A lot. And she already reads. Yep, she reads.

And now Chewie is awake so I get to sign off. Happy Wednesday!

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