

Mer. Meal Planning.

If I don't plan out meals we end up eating frozen pizza.

Does that happen to anyone else? Yes?

Plus we eat Blue Plate Special.

Approximately 5:30.

Yeppers, that's right. Babies, toddlers, children, and old people all eat at the SAME TIME. If dinner isn't on the table at 5:30 I pretty much have a revolt on my hands. And I'm not outnumbered.

So I need to meal plan.

I'm trying something new - I've pinned so many Pinterest recipes and I do want to try quite a few but the problem is now finding them and TRYING them.

I started a Weekly Meal Planning Board.

How this is going to work or even if it will is still something to be determined. So far what has worked for me is just putting ingredients that we have on post-it notes and then determining what I can make out of what needs to be used up. Is it perfect? NOPE. I'm hoping for more organization, more crockpot meals, more easy meals, etc...

We'll see what happens. We'll see if it sticks.

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