

Pyrex Lids

Somehow we've lost two Pyrex lids.

I really don't know where they are - and I didn't know this until THIS MORNING. Who knows how long they've been lost - which begs the question "when did you last use these Pyrex containers, Pattymctatty?"

Short answer: Um?

Long answer: Well, it could have been last week, or maybe the week before. Or maybe last month? It could have been the week that Chewie shattered a Pyrex measuring cup when we had to move all the glassware from a cart to the cupboard and the lids out to the cart. In the meantime I have made food that I would have put into the Pyrex though so...they've been used at some point in the last month.

I'm not actually going to look for the lids.

Because I think they're under either the fridge or the stove - I'm not sure which, I don't particularly feel like getting on all fours with a flashlight while having children crawling/climbing all over me and trying to take away a flashlight.

So they're staying put for awhile. And I'm going to have to put the Pyrex containers aside so I don't one day try to put leftovers in it with no lids - like Bimmer Man did this morning.

WHY. WHY. WHY. Why do kids lose everything?

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