

Book Review: History of Wolves

This book made the short list for the Man Booker Prize this year. It's really no surprise after reading it. The characters are so well written that I wanted to throw this against the wall several times, much like Gone Girl. Ha! This book weaves together so many little things that I hope I didn't miss any small details. Told from the viewpoint of a grown woman's perspective of tragic events while she was a teenager. From the very start the reader absolutely knows that something tragic is going to happen, but what you just don't know.

There is one storyline in the book which I think I might have missed the point - Linda involves herself with another character, Lily. This part of the story baffles me because the main story is about the little boy that Linda was baby-sitting. The family is Christian Scientist and from this, I'm sure you can deduce exactly what tragedy will take place (though to be honest, I thought it might be a drowning at first but...I was wrong!). As Linda grows up, what happened to her as a teenage affects her relationships as an adult, I'm so glad this book tackles that as a subject because I think so many people have unresolved issues and really aren't sure what to do or how to cope with those feelings.

In short, this book was a fabulous quick read. It went by so quickly, I really wished there was more to read. Not all the storylines were wrapped up, so I'm hoping there's more to come (like maybe a prequel?). This book also made me want to delve into the details of Christian Scientists and definitely makes me want to read more books by Emily Fridlund. Her writing was lovely and a pleasure to read.
I would recommend this book, especially if you're looking for a present for the upcoming holidays.

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