

Cous Cous with Mushrooms, Green Beans & Lemon

Cous cous. I love it. Green beans, love them too. And mushrooms. The love of my life. Besides Bimmer Man who has seemed nonexistent lately thanks to Law School (Note: if you like being alone, marry a lawyer, it's true, they do spend a lot of time at the library).
Lemons, cous cous, mushrooms, green beans, olive oil, salt & pepper. Ignore the Pomegranites. I photographed them.
I love the yellowy orange of the lemons. They're a little green too, but that's ok!
EVOO. Why in the world did that come from Rachael Ray? People have been using extra virgin olive oil for quite some time now... EVOO... I think I'm in a mood...
Saute sliced mushrooms in the olive oil for a few minutes - til they're nice and brown. Do NOT add salt yet, the salt draws out all the moisture.
But you can add pepper. Just enough to taste it throughout the mushrooms.
Add the green beans and 2 cloves of garlic (minced).
Green beans get all gross and squeaky in your teeth if cooked for too long.
So they only need to be sauted for MAYBE 2 minutes at the most. I only had them in the pan ONE minute.
I always add lemon to cous cous. It's habit that I will never break. I had oranges, so I juiced a few of those and added a splash of orange to the cous cous too. It wasn't too bad! But, don't be like me. Stick with the lemon.
Mmm... Oranges...
Combine the beans, mushrooms & cous cous.
Put on a plate very nicely. And eat. I would serve this with grilled chicken. Or salmon. Whatever's in the fridge. I've been on a money saving kick lately. You'll probably hear about that in my next post.

HAHA! Me? Save money? Yeah, right...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this version of couscous... and makes for a meatless meal all in itself! Great pics too :)