

Holy Buckets! Who Wants Cool Tips?

For everything!

So I decided to join StumbleUpon because I had no clue what it was (um, yeah, that's a great idea McTatty - join something you know nothing about!) but they send you an e-mail once a week or so with websites that you might like.

And I'm an idiot sometimes and delete e-mails that I should probably read.

But not this one!

They sent me the website for

Wanna know how to grow 100 lbs of potatoes in 4 square feet?

Um, yeah! Thought so! This is totally cool - there's tips for being frugal, baking and cooking tips and even how to make meat last longer...

I'm so addicted!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I joined a few weeks ago. I'm on the same boat as you. It's kinda fun o get those emails.I'm still getting the hang of it though.