

ACK! I've been MIA!!!

Actually, I feel like I've been MIA for at least a month now... but remember, I don't have my own kitchen and my mom likes to cook. A lot. So that's good but unfortunately not for my lovely blog readers.

I thought I'd update everyone (especially my fabulous Indiana friends) on what I've been up to.

1. Job hunting
2. House hunting (oh, we're putting in an offer this week! Yea!)
3. Walking the dog
4. Crocheting because I can't find all of my pots and pans
5. I even made my own soap one day (yea, I was that bored)
6. Starting up my photography business in the Twin Cities, go White Tree Photography & Designs, LLC (um, and figuring out what to do for a professional website, go figure)
7. Walking the dog
8. Throwing a softball for the dog
9. Making sure not to bother Bimmer Man whilst he studies
10. Hangin' out with my mom

Ok, so there you go, that's what I've been up to lately.

Oh yes, and I accidentally lost my camera battery charger so I have to look for that today.

I swear, I'll be back to cooking & baking soon but I just need some fabulous ideas and to find my pots and pans that are still packed away.

And my KitchenAid mixer. My lovely BEAST, oh where could it be??? I have no idea...

So moral of the story - if you want something and someone else is packing your crap, watch what box it goes in so you're not like me!

Ok, I'll post more about my life later this week, especially if the sellers accepted the offer on the house!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Seems like you're one busy lady. ;-)