

Goals This Week

Mostly my goal this week is to stay sane.

My two year old has realized that she can say no, she can just sit in the middle of store, sidewalk, etc... I have to come up with creative consequences on the spot and some days it can be hard. Maybe that's not a strong enough word, it can be extremely difficult. No one tells you this about parenting. No one tells you that your child will also call you by your first name or "honey" when she wants something. I have THAT child.

I do need to start Halloween decorating and start explaining Halloween in a way that a toddler can understand. I've dragged out the Halloween books already, next I'm going to try to find a Curious George movie or show that explains Halloween, and I have construction paper to make a bunch of Halloween crafts. Pinterest searching is what I'll do tomorrow afternoon and setting up crafts for the next few weeks (cutting pumpkins, figuring out what the Monkey knows how to do, and finally, where to hang all these things). 

On Thursday I want to go through my closet again and find more clothes to donate. One extreme measure would be the Project 333. I'm not quite ready for that yet. Just paring down what doesn't fit well, what I don't like, and things I haven't worn in years have been enough for me.

More toys have accumulated in our living room again so I need to bring more stuff downstairs. I see a bunch of books I can store for awhile, three puzzles, one "noise" toy, and a hammering bench that need to go. I also need to get together a stack of books to put in the "Little Library" down by the park. The Monkey grabs a book out of there every time we go to the park which means that I suddenly have weird books around our house that I would never read. Back to the park those go. 

With clearing out clutter, I've realized it's a daily task and effort so that things (yes, just THINGS) don't accumulate. Phew. 

And food, this week's meal plan includes chicken, pork chops, steak tacos, and I need two more meals - probably potato soup with bread on Friday, and frozen pizza one day. 

Happy Monday everyone, have a great week! Stay sane!

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