

Plans Have Gone Awry

I love that word.


It looks so odd - like when you look at a word for too long and it just looks wrong. That's how I feel about awry. Like this week. My plans have gone awry.

Chewie has a cold. With a new ECFE class that started last week I watched three little kids come in with snotty noses and knew immediately that we would be coming home with whatever germs those three had. So double colds it is. The Monkey is the only one to avoid it so far and I'm pretty sure that's because she's gone all day at school and doesn't have the opportunity for Chewie to bath her in snot. YUCK.

So my house is a mess - this week I was supposed to clean the kitchen (I've been following the Fly Lady routine since September, October-ish and we have a clean house! OMG! I've decluttered and organized, it's been amazing, maybe I should do some blog posts about that). The only thing I've done is cleaned the stovetop. :::SHRUG::: It's not like I want to deep clean the fridge when I have a cold.

I tried to meal plan and came up with nothing.


Yesterday it was BBQ Chicken sandwiches for dinner. Today's lunch is leftovers and if I feel up to it I'll throw stuff in the bread maker for pizza dough to make some individual BBQ chicken pizzas tonight. The Monkey won't put cheese on hers. I find that strange - but kids are weird so I shouldn't be surprised. HA!

Thursday: I have Italian sausage in the freezer, along with peppers and onions over risotto.

Friday: :::SHRUG::: Maybe pizza again.

Colds really get me because nothing actually seems good.

Yesterday I picked up a cookbook by Real Simple, the magazine called Dinner Made Simple.

It's organized a bit strangely though - by main ingredient, not by protein or which part of the meal. I've tried recipes by Real Simple before and they are so easy and fast plus I usually have most of the ingredients on hand. I'm going to aim to try a couple over the weekend and a few next week. We shall see!

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