

Are You Following Me on Networked Blogs?

Because apparently I'm one of the Top 50 followed blogs in Minnesota on Networked Blogs in Facebook. Not so sure if that's a good thing though - I don't have too many followers on that! But then again, I don't update as often as I'd like.


Maybe it's because it's starting to get nice outside! And I can't wait for summer! So really, blogging this summer may turn into more photos of my feet and summer sunshine and pretty flowers and who knows what else??!!

Oh, and I've decided to order one of these:

Kitchenaid Professional 5 Plus

For $319 and FREE SHIPPING at Amazon - it's the same price at Macy's RIGHT NOW - but with Macy's you need to know the free shipping coupon code (CHOICE). If you don't know the code, then it's like $360 - that's a little more than I was planning on spending!

So - happy Friday! Happy almost weekend!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I would love to get my hands on a mix like that. I've been stuck with a handheld one for so long, even though I like my handheld mixer.