

Go Green: Make Your Own Soft Scrub

So to start this off, I'm going green and have been for awhile, I've just been waiting for my bathroom cleansers to run out so I could recycle the bottles and then make my own. I love using soft scrub, but I can't stand the nasty smells.

So I googled around a little bit for some bathroom cleaning recipes and kinda just well, dumped some stuff in a container. But it's the same consistency of soft scrub and it also smells 10 times better. And it's not a carcinogen. Plus it gets the gross crap off the sink and tub.
First, you'll start with a cup of baking soda (note the gigantic bag, that can be found at Sam's Club) and put that into the container that you'll use. Then start pouring in the Dr. Bronner's.
I think I started off with about a 1/4 of a cup, but the consistency wasn't quite right for soft scrub.
So just keep pouring... It should be nice and smooth, but still gritty - you need to be able to put a glop on the sink and scrub without it feeling too soapy.
So total, I think this is what I used:

3/4 cup Dr. Bronner's (I like the tea tree because I think it smells like a spa)
1 cup baking soda

Mix until you have soft scrub.

This can be used in your kitchen sink, bathroom sink, bathtub and anything that really needs a good scrubbing. I go through this much in about 3 - 4 weeks.

Eh, I'm not really all that sure how many people are interested in making their own cleaning supplies, but I thought I'd share anyway considering how many people are surprised that I make my own. I thought I might add in the essential oil, but the tea tree oil smells really good. Dr. Bronner's has several different scents. Lavender is great too!

Maybe I'll share my all purpose cleaner next! That's an easy one too!


Jenn said...

Thanks for that. I'm not too fond of the chemical cleaners out there. This is a neat substitute.

Nicole said...

Cool! I need cleaning products that work well, but I hate the smell of chemicals. Thanks for the info!