

Coffee??? How do I make it?

I'm a horrible coffee maker. How does everyone make coffee??? I follow the directions - 2 tablespoons per 6 oz of water. BUT, it always turns out kinda gross. What the heck am I doing wrong? How do I perfect the art of coffee making?

In Hawaii we had the best Kona and K'auai coffee. It was amazing. So I bought some to make at home and um, I'm not doing it correctly!

BTW - we have a Krups 12 cup coffeemaker. It looks like this:


Anonymous said...

Two tablespoons?!?! Are you making sludge? One table spoon per 6 onces. Start there. If you want it stronger then add a little more grounds next time. Don't be wasteing anymore Kona coffee!!!!!

Jenn said...

Yeah that sounds about right. It's usually that amount. I guess it all comes down to trail and error. Keep trying until you find a blend that suites to your taste.