

Congrats to North Loop Motorsports!

It was so exciting a few weekends ago! CJ and I went down to Austin, Texas for the last WRL race of the season. This was needed to be there to clinch the GP2 National Championship, which they did!

The team ended up with a double win AND the championship after an VERY exciting last hour of each race. Saturday's finish was completed by Davis and CJ finished the race on Sunday - he brought the 6 second lead up to about 20 seconds with a yellow. Oh, man. Sunday was so exciting, I had to pee 2 times in the last 15 minutes, I was so nervous. 

They did a great job and I can't wait to see what they do next year. 2023 should be a much lighter race schedule, which means that CJ will get to work on his own track car and his own Lotus, but we'll also have kids in sports next summer, so it'll be busy no matter what.

Way to go, North Loop!



I'm The Garden Lady


Earlier this year, in the spring, I started volunteering with the Garden Committee at the school by our house. I finally was able to get a routine going, I was able to keep the house clean, get all the kids gathered together and actually had a handle on life, which seems pretty odd after living through a pandemic where nothing was together. 

The ladies that I volunteer with are fantastic and one is done after this spring. I'm going to volunteer myself to be garden chair because now I actually have time and it's something that I want to do. I really like how satisfying it is teaching the kids something about plants. 

In any case, last week one full grade actually got to go on a field trip to the local Arboretum and the kids all planted garlic cloves. This is interesting because garlic is supposed to be planted in the fall AND in the ground. Our garden is closed down and it's done for the season - we planted our garlic in the beds already. And there's snow on the ground!

The teachers asked if we could get the grow lights out so of course I said yes. I decided to organize the cart and get the little cloves under the lights. I have them timed for about 8 hours per day. I'll move that up to 10 hours per day either tomorrow or Wednesday, I think. I'm going to send the kids home with their sprouted garlic cloves the day before they leave for Winter Break. I found some bags and then I'll tie them up with some nice ribbon so it looks like a little gift for their parents. And instructions are also always handy when it comes to plants!


Como Conservatory

I LOVE the Como Zoo & Conservatory in the winter time. Especially the Conservatory.

I love the plants, the flower show they have, the humidity levels. The smell of the Spice room. It's amazing. And such a reprieve from the snow and cold outside. 

Last year we saw mini pumpkins on a stick and so even though I don't have a green house, I put them in pots and the plants are growing - slowly but surely! This year the marigolds and chrysanthemums are GORGEOUS. I really like these Fireball Marigolds and I may have to hunt down some seeds!

So many mums to look at.

And ornamental cabbages and kales. 

And houseplants. And aloes. And everything.


Dog Wash Is In Use

It's officially winter. The boots are in use. Snow is on the ground!



Addition is Almost Done

Half the trim was installed yesterday. Today the plumbers and electricians are here. Siding was dropped off in the driveway yesterday and so they should be here today. 

No more window above my kitchen sink! Although now our kitchen looks super crappy compared to the new portion. At some point we'll have to do something about it. I really want an undermount sink to be able to scrub and clean really well but also - I'm in love with butcher block, with an undermount sink that might not be possible because I really don't want mold or water damage. I may have to do some research and figure out something new to dream about. 

I still need to touch up some stain on the shelf and add a coat of polycrylic to prevent water damage and save the stain. And then do trim touch ups and fill in some nail holes. I still need to do some detail touch up in the basement from last year so I'm just going to do it all at the same time. With the kids in school, I can plan to dedicate a day to just doing this so I'm pretty excited.

We're so close to done! I'm so happy!



Halloween Haul

Originally we all had costumes from Jurassic Park. Alan Grant, Ellie Satler (me), and 2 dinos - the kids. I decided to make the most of all of our costumes and so I signed us up for a Halloween Party at our local nature center. About a 1/3 of the way into the night, Simone was like "OH HELL NO. I CAN'T SEE TO WALK" and so her costume came off. Her face didn't stick out like Quentin's did and she just couldn't see through the plastic window and we decided to scrap the dino costume for her. And we really try to do family costumes but this year just didn't come all the way through.

Phil even joined in as the sacrificial lamb. Led on a leash. I wish we could have had a cage drop like in the movie but we weren't quite prepared. HA. 

And this was only half the candy! I can't believe that the younger kids went further than the older ones. They had so much fun. It was a great Halloween this year!



We Had a Mud Storm

Just a couple nights ago we had a mud storm in the middle of the night. It was the STRANGEST thing I've ever seen besides a green sky after a tornado. I thought I heard really hard rain - and we just got a new roof so I was a little concerned. 

Woke up in the morning and EVERYTHING outside was covered in a fresh layer of mud.

Apparently what had happened was a dust storm blew in from Kansas and the moisture in the atmosphere grabbed all the dust that was in the air on the way down to earth and that's how you get a mud storm. So gross. I still need to wash my car. 

We're also in a drought and it just hasn't rained enough for anything these days. So that's a little concerning going into the later fall season. Some of the trees dropped their leaves extremely early and were just done with the season already (which I completely understand!). I'm not sure what this will do to the growing season next spring or what will happen to new growth or if anything will be stunted. I suppose we shall see. To help in this drought I've only bagged MAYBE 6 bags of leaves - all extras that don't fit into my composter and keep blowing in from the neighbor's yards. My plan is not to even remove them in the spring and use them all as mulch. I'll have to use a pitchfork to turn them all into the dirt but we'll get there eventually and I know the earth could use a little more love and care.

With construction being done in maybe another 10-12 days, I also have to reseed and put straw all over the backyard to keep the dust down because it's too late for sod. We'll only be able to water for maybe another couple weeks and that's just not enough time to get the sod roots to grow into the sandy soil. So I'm going to do my best to get grass seed down so it can get watered and then go dormant over the winter with straw to keep down the mud and dust and hopefully grow. Whatever it is that we do, I'd really rather not do sod, instead I'd rather do a whole yard of raised beds for vegetables but the kids and Bimmer want grass to play soccer. 

Happy Wednesday!


Wordless Wednesday



Get in the Halloween Spirit


In the past few years I've really tried to get into the seasonal mood by reading books that feel cozy and inspirational - but not inspirational as in a weird sense - more like getting myself inspired to decorate or feel like it's "spooky" at night for Halloween. I found Cackle on a Halloween reads inspiration list, I think it was from Barnes & Noble. Normally there's so many lists for winter and Christmas reading that it's so easy to find books - but the wait lists are ridiculously long starting about this time of year. I decided to search out some Halloween reads. I have an Anne Rice book in my pile that I'm going to read after I finish my current book (The Sentence by Louise Erdrich).

On with the story - Cackle was ok. I think I'd give it 4 stars as long as you keep your expectations to making sure it just gets you inspired to read more books or to watch Halloween or spooky movies. The storyline is cheesy typical - young woman has horrible break up with boyfriend (with whom she had hoped she would eventually marry), she moves to a new city to start over, etc... The one thing that I really liked, surprisingly was that this wasn't an immediate romance novel. Instead it really followed how Annie became herself and how she learned how to not lose herself to other people and to not give and give and give, in turn emptying her bucket and not having enough left for herself.

I wish there would have been more storyline about the high schooler who would have lunch in Annie's classroom on the regular. I wanted more dialogue and more of a relationship between the two - because this becomes important at the end of the book and frankly, it doesn't seem like the author put in as much effort as she could with this relationship. I feel like this could have been a better storyline in the book and it could have gone a little deeper. The character admits she wasn't as great of a teacher as she could have been - but this admission by the character doesn't make up for the author's lack of writing about her character's teaching ability or style. Instead the author focused that part on the relationships that Annie had with other teacher characters and frankly, I think those could have been cut from the book without harming much of the plotline.

I always enjoy when authors go deeper into the personalities of the main character, especially when the character has self-reflected. I think for me, the author painting the picture of self-reflection is fantastic because you can relate to the story a little more, maybe relate to the character a little more. And the self-reflection aspect is really great in that you as a reader get to know that characters better even if the plotline is a little cheesy or not quite there. Going deeper into character's personalities always makes books better - even if maybe you don't like that character (think Gone Girl, I wanted to throw that book against the wall, I hated the story and characters so much, the writing was AWESOME that it made me have those feelings). I'm happy with the character writing and the depth in which the author goes.

Annie makes a new friend in the new town where she lives. Clearly from the title of the book, you can infer that this is a book about witches. Annie becomes friends with the town witch. And Annie enjoys her new friendship - learning about herself and how to be a better friend by the end of the book too.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and it quite inspired me to get more Halloween books from the library and gobble up all the spooky things I can find. I hope that if you read it, it inspires you too!


Construction Update

I'm currently typing away as I hear the roofers above me. It does not always sound great. It's scraping, banging, and yelling. And I saw them gathering up their supplies for nailing the new shingles down. OMG. I'm almost worried that I should be ducking for cover in the basement.

But to get right to it - here's a few photos of updates. There have been even more but I took videos to share as reels on Instagram (@pattymctatty) 

Windows are in. This room is prepped for insulation. It's going to be our catchall storage room - so for bikes, tires, wheels, garden stuff, fans, heaters, seasonal decor, etc... I can't wait until half the crap gets moved out of our current spaces right now and goes back to being dedicated storage for THAT ROOM. This is a huge deal in a late 1940s house because there's just so little storage space.

They left this open to the house for MAYBE three days - and while it was open, I could see into the future and it looked AMAZING. The house felt so much bigger and I could really see the future space. I think it's just awesome at the transformation that happened once the french doors were removed. It's now been covered by plastic sheeting to protect the rest of the house from all the construction dust. This upcoming week is drywall and holy crap, we're going to have to turn off the furnace so that it doesn't suck the dust into the rest of the house.

The new mudroom and dog wash area with the dog's tail. I AM SO EXCITED to finally have a dedicated mudroom. My plan is to have all the hooks and a few bins for winter gear. I can't decide if I want to do that in a large bench with shelving under the seat or if I'd like something else. Also, after talking to the HVAC person, the new vent is going to be where we keep our shoes and boots in the winter so they dry quickly and stay toasty warm before we need to go outside.

This is the new room - eventually maybe the new dining room once we redo the kitchen area but for now we're going to make it into a sitting area. The windows are smaller than I remember ordering but I still really like them - however - they're too tall for Phil to look out of so my plan is to put a couch under so he's not always jumping up and scratching my new windows. The new door is cheap enough where I don't think I'll care as much, and that's an easier upgrade in the future than getting and ordering new windows. I'm really excited that the window on the north side is taller and can be opened for getting a cross breeze and cooling off the house. 

Part of the problem from before was that the gazebo porch was like an oven - the sun shone and DAMN - it made our house so hot that the AC would kick on sometimes at 9:30am when it was only 65 degrees outside. Having this all enclosed, heated, cooled, and less windows that scream "I'M AN OVEN" should really help our utility bills and not only help those but also be more environmentally friendly. 

Onto the fun part! This is kind of a dark photo but you can sort of tell the colors I would like to use. I've switched it up just a little since this photo was taken. The dark blue will be the larger room. The Sea Salt is going to be the mudroom. The Stardew is actually blue but looks gray - this is going to be the color of the doors. I need to tape the sample to the outside of the front door so maybe I'll paint that too. Eventually I would like to paint all the trim in the house and touch everything up and then paint the doors a different color than the trim. I'm ready to do something a little different. 

Yay! We're getting closer and closer!



It's an Addition!

We finally did it. We committed. Off comes the porch. We've decided to do a full basement, mudroom, plus additional room to give us more room. In the end, we're taking up the same footprint as the gazebo porch and the deck to make all three rooms. I would LOVE to do a sauna in the basement but we'll see if we get there. We're trying to take everything one step at a time.

In the photo above, they've just pulled the porch and deck from the house.

Next, they smashed it all down so it could fit into the dump trumps to take it away.

I've missed a step - but only because it's a video. Here you can see they've already dug the hole and put up the concrete blocks to frame out the basement. I'm still just amazed at the massive amount of dirt that they took to make the hole for the new basement. In total, they had to take 3 dump truck loads and this is still what's left. They left a lot to backfill the basement after it was completely water proofed.

This is just after it's been waterproofed. They legit tar the walls, and then toss the insulation at it and then put plastic over it all. It's nuts. And the total time spent on the waterproofing was MAYBE 45 minutes. They drove two trucks and had one truck just for supplies. 

And here we are after it's been backfilled - but it's still a HUGE hole so Phil the dog can't go back there quite yet. He gets too jumpy and I'm really nervous that he'll fall into the hole. So he's stuck doing his bathroom business in the front yard for now. 

It's coming together just enough that I can SEE the end in sight and I'm really excited for it. I can't wait to be able to use our new rooms and have the actual usable space. Woohoo!!!



Surprise Jack O'Lanterns in the Garden

In the spring, I swear that I gave Baby Chewy watermelon seeds to plant. Like, I have the empty packet of seeds saved in my garden notebook (that I sometimes add to and sometimes do not add to, I suppose I should take more pictures and just post them here for a record). 

And one day before we went to Colorado over the summer I noticed a small (what I thought was a watermelon) fruit on a vine and was super excited to come back home to show the kids the watermelon we had grown all summer. 

Turns out... not a watermelon.

We grew Jack O'Lanterns. I think what happened was that the plants are volunteers from the pumpkins that we carved last year and the vines sprouted after I spread my compost this spring to replenish all the nutrients lost to tomato plants last year. 

Overall, I have found 4 pumpkins. I think one might not make it because a chipmunk has chewed it already. I put some diatomaceous earth on all the pumpkins to keep them from smelling delicious to critters so I'm hoping I can keep the pumpkins from being eaten until at least the first few weeks in October, after that I can harvest the pumpkins and keep them inside to keep them from squirrels and chipmunks. What a fun surprise this year!



Hello, from the other side

One school year is almost done with both kids. I've filled out a school volunteer application to volunteer in the school district. I volunteered to help with the school garden. I have become THAT parent. But you know what, I'm really excited to get to know the kids better because we couldn't volunteer during this ongoing pandemic and I'm hoping that since I'm vaccinated and boosted, I'll be able to volunteer.

I've been getting rid of so much STUFF. Over 1,000 items GONE since January 1. I've been keeping a tally - albeit not the best now because I've just been getting rid of things one at a time and then I forget to tally it off. My goal is 2,022 items for the year. I can feel a difference but I'm not sure if anyone else can. There's several things that I've kept where it's been a "maybe I'll get around to this" but since I've saved them, I haven't gotten around to them and I'd rather volunteer at school, walk the dog, read, and go biking with the kids. I don't need to keep things around that are aspirational that I know I won't get around to. Bimmer Man keeps bikes that he's never going to ride and I can see that they've rusted and are not in great shape anymore - and he doesn't take care of them because he doesn't have time. I don't want to do that with my things anymore. I want to spend time doing what I want to do. And making this house easier to live in. So that's that. Take this as inspiration and get rid of your shit. 

Because I've gotten rid of so much so far - we've had time to do 30 Days of Biking this year and we've completed all 30 days! It was so cold and so gross and so wet and so snowy. We're all ready for warmer weather and a nice, hot summer!