

I've Been Tagged!

So I've been tagged by Nicole and this is a photo meme. So here's the rules:

1. Go to the first photo album on your computer
2. Go to the 10th picture
3. Post the picture and tell a story about it
4. Tag 5 more people and let them know.

Here's the story:

It's Rusty, obviously looking out the front door of our new house. I was unwrapping crap and piling paper by the door so it could be recycled. In any case, there's a McMansion across the street from our house that's for sale and from 1 - 3 on Sundays is Rusty's favorite time to look outside and see all the visitors going in & out of the open house.

And now I need to tag 5 people.
1. Jennifer
2. Robyn
3. Leah

But I only feel like tagging 3 today because I'm lazy.

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hooray, I'm glad you did it because I always love seeing your pictures. Rusty looks so cute. I bet he does love looking out the door at all the people. Luffy enjoys looking out our back door at all the other dogs playing in the open grass area.