

Dining Room & Kitchen Updates

Meh, you don't need to see 10,000 pictures of a small 10 x 12 room. Here's two new pics of the bookshelf I got for the dining room from Ikea. It was $75. Cheap and it fits. Frankly, I needed something to store my cookbooks and other random crap from the kitchen.

At Ikea I saw that the back had been cut so it would fit over the trim - however, our trim is old and original so it's really tall. And unfortunately the cut out isn't big enough, but that's fine. I've come to think of furniture quirks as "homey" and "comfortable" and "non-catalog" for our house. It doesn't look too bad - I wanted something more natural and shorter but now that it's been there for a week, I like how tall it is.
And of course, I filled it with crap the moment I moved it into place. (Please note: we do not have children hence the reason why the liquor bottles are on a lower shelf) I have more cookbooks that I will cram in at some point but I'm liking the less cluttered look. Oh wait, if you don't like clutter don't look at the basket filled with crap.
New rug for the kitchen - I decided that I'm too lazy to buy a rug from Ikea and paint it in a chevron pattern, instead I found this at Pier 1 Imports for $40. Bimmer Man likes it and he doesn't really say too much decor-wise unless it involves a BMW or a Ferrari so... I'm going to have to add in more pattern to the rest of the house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the rug in the kitchen. Patty, your place always looks fabulous.