

MISSING: Furminator

Missing: The Furminator

Last seen: Living room about three weeks ago

Reward: A less furry dog

Places I've Already Looked: Living room, all baskets, under tables, under the couch, the hall closet, doggie crap basket (I did find a tennis ball), office and back porch.

Wanted: Any ideas of where else to look for this magic animal de-shedding tool.


Unknown said...

Hi there :) Found your blog through Design*Sponge and it's pretty sweet. This post really gave me a laugh- In my life, if something is missing, chances are its in a complete & total different area of the house from where I was actually using it. Good luck! {Haha}.

-Megan K.

Whosyergurl said...

I keep mine in the cabinet where the dog food and meds and all the pet stuff is.