

OMG. 4:30 is TOO Early

I got up at 4:30 this morning and went to the gym.

People were lined up outside at 4:45. They scan our cards so of course there's a line. There were 22 cars in the lot already. And the cars just kept coming. Holy crap.

I seriously thought that maybe I had beat the New Year's Resolution-ers to the gym for a workout and boy, was I wrong!

Truth be told, I don't have time to go during the day. By the time The Monkey is dropped off at school and we're home it's almost 10 and I still need to do dishes, laundry, clean SOMETHING in this house (or garden or shovel or something is in desperate NEED of attention like bills, etc...). Then it's 11 and Chewie is screaming for lunch. After lunch is nap. During nap is time for laundry, more dishes, mopping, wiping up crumbs from the floor, taking out the garbage, getting everything ready for dinner, and basically not losing my mind.

So no, I don't have time for the gym. Possibly on Thursdays but in general Tuesdays and Thursdays are reserved for Tot Time so I can see adults and practice speaking to adults. I'm a bit out of practice in that adult socialization department. And time is fleeting.

Pretty sure Bimmer Man would be like "but you have time!" to which I would reply "well, you don't mop the floors or make it look pretty around here or disinfect the bathroom, amiright?!?"

There's just no time during the day. It just doesn't happen when I need to work around nap time.

I was reading an article awhile ago about how if moms want to do anything for themselves they either need to stay up late or get up early but either one they choose is to sacrifice their sleep for their own needs. Isn't that terrible?

But I've fallen prey to it and will do this until Chewie is in Kindergarten and then I can actually get shit done during day. It is what it is...

Until then coffee is my best friend.

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