

In A Funk Lately

I don't know if it's because I don't get a full night's sleep (hello, practice for future parenting by having a foster puppy) or because it's the winter and it's so gray all the time.

I made poop cookies the other day (I'll post pics and the recipe if you'd like to make poop cookies too) and decided that I probably shouldn't make cookies that look like poop ever again. So I have white chocolate chips waiting for me at home to make something. So I've been put off from baking for this week (and cooking, thanks to poop cookies).

But my left eye is twitching again and I haven't worn make up in 4 days. So, I need something fun.

10 Random Facts About Me Today

1. I didn't eat breakfast

2. I miss breakfast. Especially having hot water at work for oatmeal

3. I really like the show The Good Wife

4. There's a huge knot in my right shoulder that hurts like heck and no amount of ibuprofen will take the pain away (see? I need summer back!)

5. I think I want a guinea pig. Or maybe two to keep each other company.

6. I have no idea how to take care of guinea pigs

7. My mother would never step foot in my house if we had guinea pigs

8. My mother also misses my dog, so maybe I could bribe her to come over if we had guinea pigs

9. I love homemade pizza

10. I'm excited to make Rusty a dog bed that's green

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I would like to see pictures and a recipe for poop cookies. I am very intrigued...