

Pizza Waffles

Easiest kid dinner ever. 

Pizza Waffles

Crescent Roll dough (I make a ton of these to send with lunch the next day, so I use 3 cans)
Mini Pepperonis
Cheese, whatever kind you like, shredded
And whatever other toppings you like
Pizza sauce (make it yourself OR take the easy way out and buy it!)

Unroll the crescent roll dough. See how 2 crescent rolls together make rectangles? You need 2 rectangles per waffle. Each can of crescent dough makes 2 waffles. Separate the rectangles and flatten them out a little - but not so much you start tearing the dough.

Heat up your waffle maker. Making these works best in the waffle irons that just set on the dough, not the ones that have to click together because pizza waffles are super thick. We have a Flip Waffle Maker so the waffle irons just set on the dough and you flip it over, the irons do not connect together. We ruined a different waffle maker when making these because the irons clicked together. Bad news bears.

Put a small handful of cheese on a rectangle. Put your pizza toppings over the cheese. Add another layer of cheese and then finally, another rectangle of dough.

Yes, this shit looks tiny but whatever. You really do get full on one fucking pizza waffle and if you want to be healthy...serve a side salad.

Onto the hot waffle maker, put the pizza waffle and close the waffle maker.

I set my timer for 5 minutes for each waffle. You may have to do a minute less or a minute more. Check on the waffle at 4 minutes.

Repeat until you have enough pizza waffles.

Serve with pizza sauce.

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