

It's April!

Can we get some green grass around here???

I am so ready for the last of the ice hills to melt, the last snow piles to go away and April showers to wash away all the crap on the roads and bring out the green grass and May flowers.

44 inches of snow in February to basically a really dry March has made Minnesota look like fall again - without the smell of falling leaves and and crunching around leaf piles. So it's still gray and dreary. We've had a few sunny days but I'm still going strong on taking my Vitamin D.

Chewie and I started some seeds - he totally mixed up pumpkins with tomatoes though. Ha! I'lll plant those jack o'lanterns in the front and cross my fingers that they actually grow. A few seedlings are coming up. I moved the tray to upstairs in a south facing window.

We brought out the bikes and scooters again. Thank goodness, because spring fever has hit and everyone NEEDS to be outside, running around and practicing their scooters and bike skills. We're headed to Colorado again this summer and that will be so much fun because now everyone can go mountain biking together. 

I'm going to see if I can scam Bimmer into bringing my road bike too - I now really want to throw myself down a mountain on my road bike and see how fast I can go. But first I have to ride up the mountain to enjoy the ride down. I think I've become more of a thrill-seeker as I've gotten older, having life insurance helps knowing that Bimmer can hire a nanny. I think. But I LOVE going fast on my road bike and I really enjoy the muscle burn when I'm done. It just feels good. 

This month I'm determined to exercise/workout every day. If I can't do 30 Days of Biking, then I CAN DO 30 days of working out to keep myself in shape. I went down two inches in my waist, my arms are way more toned, I feel better, I can keep up with the kids so much better, I don't get out of breath jogging after the kids on their scooters for a mile. I realized that I CAN do things if I put my mind to it. I can workout, I can feel better about myself, and I really like the high of working out. Why I didn't do this before sort of baffles me, but at the same time not. Doing push-ups is hard. Do tricep push-ups is even harder. Doing tricep kickbacks fucking burns. But those are things that I CAN do and I actually WANT to do them. And I will workout later today. I look forward to my workouts because that is my time for me!

So...happy April! Hopefully it rains soon to wash away all the crap!

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