

Basement Stairs Are Painted

Finally. That's generally all that I have to say, besides ignore the laundry basket with the clean clothes. I mean, the clean dog bed cover that I made. Also, I will be painting all the trim white at some point so I kind of started it with the trim at the ceiling at the bottom of the stairs.

Do you remember the purple color that it used to be? I feel like it's warmer now and much brighter and it feels more cohesive (the color is the same as the dining room and the bedroom hallway).

Here's the steps I took:

1. Primed EVERYTHING, including the ceiling.

2. Before I primed the ceiling, I washed all the grease off. And that, my dears, was disgusting. I'm positive that ceiling had probably never been touched since 1949. Ew.

3. Let everything dry and then cut around the edges and trim.

4. Used a roller to paint everything else.

5. Admired the new color.

Happy Friday!!


Anonymous said...

i love the color!!

Whosyergurl said...

Hi Patty! Love it! Love the angle of your photos.

Anonymous said...

i easily adore all your posting kind, very charming.
don't give up and keep creating due to the fact it just very well worth to look through it.
impatient to look over a whole lot more of your own content articles, have a good one :)

Unknown said...

Hi Patty,

We sure admire your ambitions!! House remodeling, cooking, dog boarding, picture taking, garden planning, etc..... You do a great job of everything! Just had to write in and let you know! We really enjoy reading your blog!
Take care! Steve & Kathy ps Hope this gets through??!

Unknown said...

Forgot to mention baking.... The BM guy is pretty lucky!

S & K

Anonymous said...

What colors did you use? The yellow and green go together so nicely.